Serving Santa Cruz and San Francisco Bay Area
(831) 212-6453




Ready to tackle a new project? We can help with that.

Do it right or don’t do it at all. x

It is our mission to build things RIGHT. This is the very core of our philosophy. We take pride and ownership of our work. Plumb. Square. Straight. Strong. These are words to build by and they make all the difference.

Creativity + Craftsmanship x

Let us help you find the balance between art and practicality. Ideas often spring forth naturally during construction. We can often find a better, more useful or more attractive way of doing something.

You deserve the real deal x

We know you have a choice when it comes to who you hire— don’t compromise. We are responsible, experienced, insured, bonded, licensed and always covered by the appropriate insurance.

Our History x



Grandfather begins working as a carpenter

Shortly after returning from World War 2, Cale's grandfather began working as a carpenter. He would later become a licensed contractor, beginning the legacy of building within the Glitsch family.



Father helps build sea wall in Aptos

Cale's father was a contractor foreman and contributed to many local projects, including this historic sea wall.



New Brighton Builders opens

Originally under the name Glitsch Construction, Cale began assembling his team and taking on local projects of all sizes.
More About Us

Our Work x

Why Choose Us x

Fully Licensed & Insured

We have both A & B licenses, which means we can tackle ANY project, both inside and outside.

Punctual & Available

It’s simple: we show up when we say we will and make ourselves available to clients throughout your project.

On Time Completion

Your time is valuable. We minimize the disruption by completing our jobs within the specified time frame.

Clean & Conscious

We care for our job sites like we care for our costumers. Daily cleanup is imperative and we take that seriously.

Let's make your vision come to life.